ONT blockchain API refers to the application programming interface that allows developers to interact with the Ontology blockchain. It provides a set of functions and protocols that enable developers to access and manipulate data on the Ontology blockchain, such as retrieving account information, querying transaction details, and executing smart contracts. The ONT blockchain API allows developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and integrate Ontology’s features into their own applications or services.
Tokenview ONT API is one the third-party API provider that enables you to develop dApps on ONT blockchain.
How to use Tokenview Archive API to get the transaction list of Ontology?
Just use the Tokenview URL to get the list of ONT address:
"code": 1,
"msg": "成功",
"data": [
"appendixData": null,
"pending": null,
"type": "address",
"network": "ONT",
"hash": "Ab43eS7kJ3yRqdwPWWWWiaNEP7svVCWe5u",
"addrAlias": null,
"rank": 58,
"txCount": 15886,
"spend": -77588565,
"receive": 90683020,
"createTime": null,
"lastTxTime": null,
"balance": null,
"createBlock": null,
"firstTxIndex": null,
"normalTxCount": 0,
"txs": [
"appendixData": null,
"pending": null,
"type": "tx",
"network": "ONT",
"block_no": 16355209,
"height": 16355209,
"blockHash": null,
"index": 0,
"time": 1689071834,
"txid": "b81c0faaaf2e4e8b89a6000f3f592b99a9a0a7bf87ea994bf0bbd75dad370a10",
"fee": "0.05",
"tType": "Invoke",
"confirmations": 3,
"from": "Ab43eS7kJ3yRqdwPWWWWiaNEP7svVCWe5u",
"fromAlias": null,
"to": "e5a49d7fd57e7178e189d3965d1ee64368a1036d",
"toAlias": null,
"value": "0",
"gasFee": null,
"gasUsed": 50000000,
"gasLimit": "20000",
"gasPrice": "2500",
"toIsContract": 1,
"comment": null,
"token": null,
"error": null,
"maxCpuUsage": null,
"maxNetUsage": null,
"signatures": null,
"tokenTransfer": [
"index": null,
"block_no": null,
"token": "MBL",
"asset": null,
"tokenAddr": "e5a49d7fd57e7178e189d3965d1ee64368a1036d",
"tokenSymbol": "MBL",
"tokenDecimals": "8",
"time": null,
"txid": null,
"tokenInfo": {
"appendixData": null,
"pending": null,
"h": "e5a49d7fd57e7178e189d3965d1ee64368a1036d",
"p": null,
"f": "MovieBloc",
"s": "MBL",
"d": "8",
"t": null,
"c": null,
"i": null,
"o": null,
"l": null